Losing Track

Sometimes we hurt others. That's part of being human. Sometimes we do this intentionally, other times it's totally unforeseen. Then there are the times that we lose ourselves. It happens slowly, gradually, so we might not even notice if we aren't paying close attention. It's the paying attention part that really matters here. When we stop checking in about who we are and how we are conducting ourselves, we leave ourselves open, and not necessarily in a good way. We can start telling ourselves stories about what's not working for us. About who's fault that is, and about how it might be better if some of the other people in our lives were just a little different. When you stop hearing yourself in these stories. When how you might take responsibility for your own happiness is curiously absent, that's when you need to pay very close attention. The best and most dangerous thing about the human mind is our ability to believe what we keep saying to ourselves. This can be very beneficial. It can help us to shift into a healthier, happier place. To motivate, to move on after trauma, to inspire. It can also cause us to lose track of what is truly important. Be careful about the stories you tell yourself, check in with people in your lives that you trust, and more than one or two. If you consistently hear from them that these stories are true and helpful, then take them to heart, allow them to fill you up. If you hear caution, if you hear that these stories seem divergent from who they know you to be, or not in the best interest of you and the one's you love, then listen to that. See what's missing. Dig deep, then dig deeper. The life you save could be your own.  


The War Hammer and the Cup of Tea

The Double Doors