a. You are entitled to receive information from me about my methods of therapy, the techniques I use, and the duration of your therapy, and my fee. Please ask if you would like to receive this information.
b. You can seek a second opinion from another therapist or terminate therapy at any time. A termination session is recommended.
c. In a professional relationship (such as ours), sexual intimacy between a therapist and a client is never appropriate. If sexual intimacy occurs, it should be reported to the Board that licenses, certifies or registers the therapist.
d. Generally speaking, information provided by and to a client in a professional relationship with a psychotherapist is legally confidential, and the therapist cannot disclose the information without the client’s consent. There are several exceptions to confidentiality which include:
(1) I am required to report any suspected incident of child abuse or neglect to law enforcement; (2) I am required to report any threat of imminent physical harm by a client to law enforcement and to the person(s) threatened; (3) I am required to initiate a mental health evaluation of a client who is imminently dangerous to self or to others, or who is gravely disabled, as a result of a mental disorder; (4) I am required to report any suspected threat to national security to federal officials; (5) I am required to report abuse of an elder, who is 70 years of age or older, and also abuse of an at-risk adult with an Intellectual Developmental Disability (IDD), which I believe has probably occurred, including institutional neglect, physical injury, financial exploitation, or unreasonable restraint; and (6) I may be required by Court Order to disclose treatment information.
e. When I am concerned about a client’s safety, it is my policy to request a Welfare Check through local law enforcement. In doing so, I may disclose to law enforcement officers information concerning my concerns. By signing this Disclosure Statement and agreeing to treat with me, you consent to this practice, if it should become necessary.
f. Under Colorado law, C.R.S. § 14-10-123.8, parents have the right to access mental health treatment information concerning their minor children, unless the court has restricted access to such information. If you request treatment information from me, I may provide you with a treatment summary, in compliance with Colorado law and HIPAA Standards.
g. I agree not to record or film our sessions without your written consent; and you agree not to audio or video record a session or a conversation with me without my written consent.